In the known land, there are a number of spoken languages that can be divided in two main categories: complex and simple. The complex languages are used by intelligent beings, such as Xachas, Enkidukai, Krans, etc., whereas the simple languages are used by the semi-intelligent creatures. In this book we want to list few of the most important words we found during our researches. For example, the Biorlitrosan, a quadrupedal creature with tusks, uses the word ’xhallamatte’ to indicate that he wants to fight, ’allete dease’ to ask information, and ’tikah rhsar’ to indicate danger. The Dersalawer, a lanky creature with a long trunk, uses a number of words similar to ’sand’ to indicate danger, and ’jiaal neeei’ to ask information. The Gobble, a hunched creature with mostly dark skin, uses ’rahle’ to greet visitors, and ’gertas lent olaat’ to ask information. The Gawert, a winged insectoid, uses ’haehae’ to greet someone, but ’haihai’ to indicate danger. Generally. semi-intelligent creatures consider gestures very important in communications. For example, keeping hands in front of you is a signal of friendship for the Gawert because of the placement of their own hands, but sitting down means friendship for the Biorlitrosan because it puts the other party at their eye level.